Asset statistics

Homepage 统计图表
年份 仪器数量 Under 10 10-50 50-100 Above 100 Total(Ten thousand yuan)
{{f.y}} {{f.insnum}} {{f.worth_lt10_num}} {{f.worth_be10_50_num}} {{f.worth_be50_100_num}} {{f.worth_gt100_num}} {{f.insworth}}


The total number of boots {{insTimeTotal.TotalTimes}}Times Total boot time {{insTimeTotal.TotalLength}} The number of instruments {{insTimeTotal.InsNum}}Units
The number of experiments {{insTimeTotal.OnTimeTimes}}Times The number of training {{insTimeTotal.TrainTimes}}Times The number of generation brush {{insTimeTotal.ReplaceTimes}}Times
The number of maintenance {{insTimeTotal.MaintainTimes}}Times The number of teaching {{insTimeTotal.TeachTimes}}Times The number of entrustment {{insTimeTotal.EntrustTimes}}Times

Statistics of instrument use times